Friday, December 28, 2007

And the Roar Award Goes To ....

Sherry over at Sage and Thyme did me an immense honor by presenting me with an award for my blog. She has given me the “A Roar for Powerful Words” award from the Shameless Lions Writing Circle. I am honored because Sherry is such a great writer, as well as a gentle, wise spirit, a mother-angel to many of us in blogosphere. I smile when I visit her blog and read her comments because I imagine her blog friends saying, geez what’s Sherry doing hanging out with this big mouth? *giggle*

The instructions for this award are as follows:

Those people I’ve given this award to are encouraged to post it on their own blogs; list three things they believe are necessary for good powerful writing; and then pass the award on to five blogs they want to honor, who in turn pass it on to five others, etc. Let’s send a roar through the blogosphere!

I took a few days to read about the Shameless Lions Writing Circle and visit the blog of its founder, Seamus Kearney, a journalist who resides in France. In keeping with the award's theme, three things I believe are necessary for good writing is:

TRUTH- No matter how difficult or painful it is to write, I think readers deserve to be given the author’s truth as he or she reflects the world through their art.

RATTLE- Nerves and thoughts should be smacked, shaken. The readers should come away from good writing reflecting in a new way, even if only for a moment. An author who rattles his or her readers sparks strong emotion in them.

HUMOR- Everyone of us can identify with someone who demonstrates good humor. Laughter is an elixir, a good medicine. It connects the child in all of us. While humor may not be appropriate for every article, a good writer should be capable of weaving it in on any occasion.

I don’t know enough people on the blogs to choose five, but I do know one. I pass this award on to Nikki. Nikki and I disagree on a number of her views, but I LOVE reading her blog because of the fire she’s unafraid to bring with her words. You should check her out if you have a chance.


Nikki said...

How cool is this!!! I am so honored, thank you for thinking of me!! I do have to say now I am worried about posting the little lion thingy on my page. I will tackle it later today. I really do want to thank all the little people and my mom and dad cuz I wouldn't be here if it weren't for them!! OK for real Maria you have been the highlight of my blog experience. You are a go getter and I don't know if I would be bloviating continually if I didn't have someone commenting regularly so thanks again and I will post this award later today!!!! WOW!!!

icanseeclearlynow said...

nikki, you are MOST deserving of this award, girlie. i want to encourage you to keep writing. your intelligence and wisdom trumpets in our phone conversation. stick with your blogging and it will do so here as well. today the blogs, tomorrow books on bookshelves!


Patti said...

oh man, i am always getting in trouble for speaking the truth. seems like no one wants to acknowledge what is...

Sherry said...

I even came here where I generally just read & don't comment...I appreciate all the kind things you said about works both ways. Like finds like. xo

quietstorm said...

woo hoo!! hey honey you deserve big-ups!! great writing baby! i am so proud of you! congrats! and many many more! you're awsome! high fivin ya! all right!!

bella said...

Congrats on the award!
And I love your list of what bold and powerful writing is.
Telling the truth is so needed. And to do so while holding onto humor is rare indeed.

icanseeclearlynow said...

sherry, we're two of a kind. love you, girlie.

quietstorm, you're the BEST! imilwyfe. mwah!

bella, thanks for the warm congrats. especially from a writer as talented as you are.

Anonymous said...

This award was made for you!
